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How To Not Be Afraid Of Animals And Snakes?

Mostac Dormina657 13-Jun-2019

Most people are excited about a trip to the zoo as they want to see the beautiful wild animals up close. A few individuals can't even stand the thought of seeing them as they are extremely afraid of them. This kind of extreme fear for animals is indicative of zoophobia. A person affected by zoophobia has an irrational fear for animals and might panic just from seeing videos of animals. The two most common causes of zoophobia are genetics and traumatic experiences. A fear of few animals is ingrained into our genes through evolution, but an exaggerated and irrational fear is indicative of zoophobia. If a person undergoes a traumatic incident that is associated with animals, they are more likely to zoophobia.

Ophidiophobia or fear of snakes is one of the most kind of phobia. While most people have a little fear of snakes and maintain a safe distance from them, people with ophidiophobia tend to have exaggerated physical and psychological effects caused in relation to snakes. Treatments for zoophobia and treatments for ophidiophobia have been developed over the years. Both zoophobia and ophidiophobia have to be diagnosed by a psychiatrist to determine whether your fear is exaggerated. They will be able to decide on the course of treatment for you. Below the most common treatments for zoophobia and ophidiophobia are listed. 

Exposure Therapy Along With Relaxation Technique

This is an effective psychotherapy that is used to treat numerous phobias. In this method, the affected individual is made to be in situations where they have to withstand the fear of animals through photos or live animals. The medical professional will teach relaxation techniques like meditation, breathing techniques, and mental visualization to cope with fear. This kind of treatment aims to build tolerance for the animal over time.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy tries to modify the thoughts and behavior of the affected person. A therapist has a frequent counseling session with the individual to understand the inner thoughts that are responsible for the fear. This can help the individual understand the fear and build a positive outlook towards it. By sharing their fear regularly the person will be able to gain more confidence and release some of the anxiety and stress they have.


In severe cases, just counseling alone cannot solve the problem. The doctor might prescribe anti-anxiety and antidepressants to help them cope with it. These drugs go and bind to receptors in the brain and control levels of serotonin in the body. Serotonin is the neurotransmitter that is responsible for the mood of an individual. While these drugs are effective, they have mild side effects. Thus it is best to consult with a doctor before you start taking them.


Fear of animals and snakes are very common. With proper treatment, you could overcome your fear. You are not alone in this journey. Consult a doctor to take the first step towards a life without fear of snakes and animals as a whole.

Updated 13-Jun-2019

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